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FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE está chegando.

Glen Barber anunciou na lista freebsd-stable com cópia para FreeBSD Release Engineering Team, a liberação do 9.2 RC4. Espera-se que seja o último RC antes do lançamento final do 9.2-RELEASE. Abaixo as mudanças do RC4 em relação ao RC3: Revert the tribute boot loader logo as the default logo. Fix...

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BIND? Seja feliz com o NSD e Unbound

Posted by gondim | Posted in Dicas, FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 18-08-2018

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Hoje venho escrever sobre um papo que tive com um amigo de longa data, o Tiago Felipe Gonçalves. Estávamos conversando sobre DNS e especificamente sobre o BIND. Aqui na empresa já tem alguns anos que separamos os serviços em suas VMs e com a questão do DNS não foi diferente. O DNS trabalha basicamente para nós, meros mortais, como sendo Autoritativo ou Recursivo. Sendo o Autoritativo responsável pela administração dos domínios que você controla na sua empresa e o Recurso responsável pela resolução de nomes na Internet já que sem ele não conseguiríamos navegar ou acessar qualquer serviço através dos nomes. Imaginem ter que ficar decorando os IPs. rsrsrsrs o tão usado virtual hosts dos servidores web nem funcionariam.

O BIND é um programa desenvolvido pela ISC (Internet Systems Consortium) e é sem dúvida o sistema mais utilizado no mundo para DNS mas este teve uma época negra com diversas vulnerabilidades exploradas o que fez ele ter um apelido carinhoso de o Queijo Suiço, de tantos furos que ele tinha. O BIND é bem completo e faz as duas coisas que necessitamos, o Autoritativo e o Recursivo mas não precisamos ter os dois no mesmo lugar e fazendo as duas coisas. Pensando em performance e segurança entra em cena a NLnet Labs que desenvolveu o Unbound (DNS Recursivo) e o NSD (DNS Autoritativo). O primeiro ficou muito famoso e considerado o DNS Recursivo mais rápido da Internet e hoje venho falar do NSD.

O NSD tem a estrutura de configuração parecida com o do seu irmão Unbound, ele não faz cache e não resolve nada que não seja controlado por ele, ou seja, faz o que se propõe apenas que é servir como DNS Autoritativo para os seus domínios e reversos IPv4 e IPv6. Um outro fato interessante é que a syntax das zonas é a mesma usada pelo BIND, ou seja, você vai aproveitar todos os seus arquivos de zonas exatamente como eles estão. Isso não só mantém a curva de aprendizado baixa como simplifica toda uma migração. Além disso o NSD é extremamente rápido e seguro assim como seu irmão Unbound.

O que aconselho em sua estrutura de ISP é ter ambos os serviços separados e bem definidos. Ah! O NSD é usado inclusive em alguns Root Servers que mantém nossa Internet funcionando.

Para ajudar à entender melhor o NSD na sua migração, tem esse tutorial para Ubuntu na DigitalOcean, mas que serve muito bem para ser usado em FreeBSD ou qualquer outro sistema.

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Servidor do FISL é hackeado

Posted by gondim | Posted in Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 11-07-2018

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No momento em que as palestras estavam sendo transmitidas, o servidor que estava transmitindo foi hackeado. O site foi retirado e até o momento não havia voltado.

Nenhum texto alternativo automático disponível.

Nenhum texto alternativo automático disponível.

Nenhum texto alternativo automático disponível.


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Lançado FreeBSD 11.2

Posted by gondim | Posted in Dicas, FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 28-06-2018

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Saiu a nova atualização da série 11.x do FreeBSD com várias melhorias e correções. Não deixem de ver o anúncio oficial aqui.

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Intel direciona desenvolvedor com anos de experiência para projeto FreeBSD

Posted by gondim | Posted in Dicas, FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 18-06-2018



A Intel resolveu alocar o desenvolvedor Ben Widawsky, arquiteto de drivers gráficos para Linux, para focar no desenvolvimento do FreeBSD. Ele deixa o time Linux da Intel e ficará dedicado no time FreeBSD. A mudança não visa só melhorias na parte gráfica mas também em outras áreas do FreeBSD, inclusive na de network.

Pode ter sido alguma pressão da Juniper devido à seus  novos chassis com interfaces Intel? Quem sabe.  🙂

Fonte 1.

Fonte 2.

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BSD Day 2018 chegando

Posted by gondim | Posted in Dicas, FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 03-05-2018

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Pessoal da área de tecnologia ou que gosta, não deixe de ir nesse evento. Será abordado muitos assuntos legais desde segurança da informação até impressão 3D e muito mais.

O vento é gratuito mas quem quiser contribuir com alguma doação, pode ser feito pelo site mesmo de forma segura. Faça sua inscrição aqui e venha conhecer e compartilhar Software Livre.

Saiu uma matéria na Hacker Culture com a entrevista de alguns palestrantes e que pode ser lida aqui.

Nenhum texto alternativo automático disponível.

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Lançado FreeBSD 11!!!

Posted by gondim | Posted in FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 10-10-2016

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É isso aí pessoal! Foi anunciado o lançamento do FreeBSD 11. O anúncio na íntegra está logo abaixo:

                      FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE Announcement

   The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is pleased to announce the
   availability of FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE. This is the first release of the
   stable/11 branch.

   Some of the highlights:

     * OpenSSH DSA key generation has been disabled by default. It is
       important to update OpenSSH keys prior to upgrading. Additionally,
       Protocol 1 support has been removed.

     * OpenSSH has been updated to 7.2p2.

     * Wireless support for 802.11n has been added.

     * By default, the ifconfig(8) utility will set the default regulatory
       domain to FCC on wireless interfaces. As a result, newly created
       wireless interfaces with default settings will have less chance to
       violate country-specific regulations.

     * The svnlite(1) utility has been updated to version 1.9.4.

     * The libblacklist(3) library and applications have been ported from
       the NetBSD Project.

     * Support for the AArch64 (arm64) architecture has been added.

     * Native graphics support has been added to the bhyve(8) hypervisor.

     * Broader wireless network driver support has been added.

   For a complete list of new features and known problems, please see the
   online release notes and errata list, available at:



   For more information about FreeBSD release engineering activities, please


Important Notes

   Please note, as a result of the timing between the withdrawn
   FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE images being available before the official
   announcement and several last-minute issues being discovered, uname(1)
   will display FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1, as the images were generated from a
   patch-level revision of the releng/11.0 branch.

   Users that have installed FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE from the images originally
   available on the mirrors or from freebsd-update(8) prior to the rebuild
   of the final release are urged to upgrade their systems to
   FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1 immediately.

   Users upgrading from system source code should use releng/11.0 revision

   Users upgrading from freebsd-update(8) should follow these instructions
   to update their systems to FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p1:

  Upgrading from FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE

       # : > /usr/bin/bspatch
       # freebsd-update fetch
       # freebsd-update install

  Upgrading from FreeBSD 10.3-RELEASE and Earlier

       # : > /usr/bin/bspatch
       # freebsd-update upgrade -r 11.0-RELEASE
       # freebsd-update install
       <reboot the system>
       # freebsd-update install
       <rebuild third-party software>
       # freebsd-update install

   EC2(TM) users are urged to read the Errata Notes for FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE
   regarding an issue discovered very late in the release cycle that may
   cause the system to hang during the boot process when upgrading from
   previous FreeBSD versions. New EC2(TM) installations are not affected,
   but existing installations running earlier releases are advised to wait
   until the issue is resolved in an Errata Notice before upgrading.


   The FreeBSD Project dedicates the FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE to the memory of
   several members of the community:

     * Stefan Farfeleder
     * Juergen Lock
     * Ben Perrault
     * Paul Schenkeveld
     * Volker Werth

   May they rest in peace.


   FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE is now available for the amd64, i386, powerpc,
   powerpc64, sparc64, armv6, and aarch64 architectures.

   FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE can be installed from bootable ISO images or over
   the network. Some architectures also support installing from a USB memory
   stick. The required files can be downloaded via FTP as described in the
   section below. While some of the smaller FTP mirrors may not carry all
   architectures, they will all generally contain the more common ones such
   as amd64 and i386.

   SHA512 and SHA256 hashes for the release ISO, memory stick, and SD card
   images are included at the bottom of this message.

   PGP-signed checksums for the release images are also available at:


   A PGP-signed version of this announcement is available at:


   The purpose of the images provided as part of the release are as follows:


           This contains everything necessary to install the base FreeBSD
           operating system, the documentation, and a small set of pre-built
           packages aimed at getting a graphical workstation up and running.
           It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. This
           should be all you need if you can burn and use DVD-sized media.


           This contains the base FreeBSD operating system. It also supports
           booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. There are no pre-built


           This supports booting a machine using the CDROM drive but does
           not contain the installation distribution sets for installing
           FreeBSD from the CD itself. You would need to perform a network
           based install (e.g., from an FTP server) after booting from the


           This can be written to an USB memory stick (flash drive) and used
           to do an install on machines capable of booting off USB drives.
           It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue mode. There
           are no pre-built packages.

           As one example of how to use the memstick image, assuming the USB
           drive appears as /dev/da0 on your machine something like this
           should work:

           # dd if=FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img \
             of=/dev/da0 bs=1m conv=sync

           Be careful to make sure you get the target (of=) correct.


           This can be written to an USB memory stick (flash drive) and used
           to boot a machine, but does not contain the installation
           distribution sets on the medium itself, similar to the bootonly
           image. It also supports booting into a "livefs" based rescue
           mode. There are no pre-built packages.

           As one example of how to use the mini-memstick image, assuming
           the USB drive appears as /dev/da0 on your machine something like
           this should work:

           # dd if=FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-mini-memstick.img \
             of=/dev/da0 bs=1m conv=sync

           Be careful to make sure you get the target (of=) correct.

   FreeBSD/arm SD card images

           These can be written to an SD card and used to boot the supported
           arm system. The SD card image contains the full FreeBSD
           installation, and can be installed onto SD cards as small as

           For convenience for those without console access to the system, a
           freebsd user with a password of freebsd is available by default
           for ssh(1) access. Additionally, the root user password is set to
           root, which it is strongly recommended to change the password for
           both users after gaining access to the system.

           To write the FreeBSD/arm image to an SD card, use the dd(1)
           utility, replacing KERNEL with the appropriate kernel
           configuration name for the system.

           # dd if=FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-KERNEL.img \
             of=/dev/da0 bs=1m conv=sync

           Be careful to make sure you get the target (of=) correct.

   FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE can also be purchased on CD-ROM or DVD from several
   vendors. One of the vendors that will be offering FreeBSD 11.0-based
   products is:

     * FreeBSD Mall, Inc.

   Pre-installed virtual machine images are also available for the amd64
   (x86_64), i386 (x86_32), and AArch64 (arm64) architectures in QCOW2, VHD,
   and VMDK disk image formats, as well as raw (unformatted) images.

   FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE amd64 is also available on these cloud hosting

     * Amazon(R) EC2(TM):
       AMIs are available in the following regions:

         us-east-1 region: ami-6ceaab7b
         us-west-1 region: ami-a3f9b7c3
         us-west-2 region: ami-6926f809
         sa-east-1 region: ami-a1ff6dcd
         eu-west-1 region: ami-36581e45
         eu-central-1 region: ami-2352ae4c
         ap-northeast-1 region: ami-a236e9c3
         ap-northeast-2 region: ami-a49044ca
         ap-southeast-1 region: ami-c39337a0
         ap-southeast-2 region: ami-5920133a
         ap-south-1 region: ami-7c3a4e13

       AMIs are also available in the Amazon(R) Marketplace at:

     * Google(R) Compute Engine(TM):
       Instances can be deployed using the gcloud utility:

           % gcloud compute instances create INSTANCE \
             --image freebsd-11-0-release-p1-amd64 \
           % gcloud compute ssh INSTANCE

       Replace INSTANCE with the name of the Google Compute Engine instance.

     * Hashicorp/Atlas(R) Vagrant(TM):
       Instances can be deployed using the vagrant utility:

           % vagrant init freebsd/FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-p1
           % vagrant up


   FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE may be downloaded via ftp from the following site:


   However before trying this site, please check your regional mirror(s)
   first by going to:

     * ftp://ftp.<your_country_code>

   Any additional mirror sites will be labeled ftp2, ftp3 and so on.

   More information about FreeBSD mirror sites can be found at:


   FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE virtual machine images may be downloaded via ftp


   For instructions on installing FreeBSD or updating an existing machine to
   11.0-RELEASE please see:



   Based on the new FreeBSD support model, the FreeBSD 11 release series
   will be supported until at least September 30, 2021. The first point
   release, FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE, will be supported until at least three
   months after FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE. Additional support information can be
   found at:



   Many companies donated equipment, network access, or man-hours to support
   the release engineering activities for FreeBSD 11.0 including The
   FreeBSD Foundation, Yahoo!, NetApp, Internet Systems Consortium, ByteMark
   Hosting, Sentex Communications, New York Internet, Juniper Networks,
   NLNet Labs, iXsystems, and Yandex.

   The release engineering team for 11.0-RELEASE includes:

   Glen Barber <>          Release Engineering Lead,
                                          11.0-RELEASE Release Engineer
   Konstantin Belousov <>  Release Engineering
   Bryan Drewery <>   Release Engineering, Package
   Marc Fonvieille <> Release Engineering, Documentation
   Rodney Grimes <>    Release Engineering Emeritus
   Xin Li <>           Release Engineering, Security
   Remko Lodder <>       Security Team Liaison
   Hiroki Sato <>          Release Engineering, Documentation
   Gleb Smirnoff <>    Release Engineering, Security
                                          Officer Deputy
   Marius Strobl <>     Release Engineering Deputy Lead
   Robert Watson <>    Release Engineering

   Special thanks to Colin Percival <> for his
   assistance regenerating the freebsd-update(8) builds for the final


   FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.

ISO Image Checksums

  amd64 (x86_64):

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso) = 9ba85ec5e36d0b7d57a0a8d2bc3624c39a8c453f3009d049c207a80879d5ddc337646b09f9ed1badebe18afc5e0285d4133b659f4bccfc84d1996f8ba960c90b
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso.xz) = c01dbc9272b81af59bcbef534b1baccd3cbc47dbfed8525384e358df214fcb885f66832c6614f5bb4d119bbdceba66a835d4393ecbcd97ae4fd008efbdcb1c69
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso) = a9ab27f18a53130ee25dea975059ceab7307deafb991839e228ab3a45346c0b8060766d183985ae28716931f211ad2b22fc13c819516a4e8ab63aa6162133c4d
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso.xz) = c572439d8431bd3def669bf4e304fa06ca9ee6dda4bfa31755220dc879e15e0508f7b8e56fa4c0a664c848864c3b52d7e0e285b2a6529a386915b03b371f86b2
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso) = 0021c15ec1b3a15666cd0cb20f4d8855cf629136085f3454c797a0240c0818878f2e16ca0cba4c8567150ba95843360fb50fd92b0c459851fdff06e1bc43d5e8
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso.xz) = 63dda54a43ea5b54f0574a9a3092623f1f9ffa8b66ccea5508ed3a4dd073d4a5c81423f1663df39986fa8289716cf37fb1ba2767fd91a9fd425de6c2024e6fd4
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img) = 65ae116ffd12decb937634dc40a23088f5ebd51aabce02d663ad6488e0a4c8c8587c7b53aea07a51c3e458880c1882b9fc7cf9996c87f6af8cf85efe4d111ddd
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img.xz) = 4cf01fc51d9f89bc581262525ebb30299443c3b86b309cc8230b6eed778afcb4776a6d602dcf85b2bbe1fde824c2cda8cbeed8ab57bb03103e369ca73880525b
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-mini-memstick.img) = 89759449f9ad0fd8d2e770132fba225fccc59e954417a5046ae82a264dd15127a9ce7ab7391ec5f6cc589ff051b3a5a5b1ec9389fa5b6a1b34040ecc41e74197
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-mini-memstick.img.xz) = 7b919047f7d4d25e2e0fe979f41f43a3fb153016044deec0b17c56402c18958db6ec80bc9638acae281ea7eb80498a8fdbee85e522bed5e30e9c5abfd2c257dc

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso) = f373dbdb9ce80c4f1b4a50d565356a1172d42ad00cf2c4cbe3131d0b566db5b4
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso.xz) = 49dcf35eabae9f63660f29f302f3854e05d4cdc046e4cfcef91abf23631c64d6
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso) = 08b12f2dc378f7a61b5469219824c74a2f9faef580acc85ffab45365df79872d
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso.xz) = 9177103547e77f018c1fc8a8bfc621eac7d329caaf778a2386bd197c0c02385e
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso) = 5f03fd91c1b604579e2830b33da16f1c7e586f5274e36e0e26e4f4ff497d63e8
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso.xz) = 20652e206f4b249e926330801f78139de7f9444921d91ded75665441a293631c
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img) = 04cdc9575d674a821b4a099743545b35e5f57ce274872297c5f251d25322f299
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img.xz) = ef4f820eaa8cd1911a4c9b1ededa0016184a4154e98d048aad3c71f6e45e8fbe
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-mini-memstick.img) = 18a3f566a94fa3167ac6af9f0a65f391c101fafe74d44a3db70f6b8ed35ab69a
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-mini-memstick.img.xz) = 944b2f54cb59186904664c18fea7950eb3780fad440d7fd383377b5b5c7c6f48

  i386 (x86):

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso) = f7131f017035617181da8ebcee35c841c51c73f0520562a55e15a8fa8db21d56b1b0aaff9c9fc08e5524abd8b09d3740994a73f54d07dfe6b0406102a83cb146
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso.xz) = c3b1f491c41b6452d2664da7c861dc05bdfd7a3493079ac23e5e818e1ea650e06ec6c372cbcbd94d06237dfe90f80845e09804ca310d5a9b18c0425863829f13
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso) = f875c196bd273461b7a80c9cfed465fd1d60379a6c950498bf9099014e1e0f2ad94e6e28856a4d6a04635a28e88286799539f4f1d1bb6127ae96ec58250500ca
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso.xz) = 319b325e3c93d628285c256747be6b559a4251a18fd2b8e4819d619372557dfec664fa6b123ef9226532ef34acbada8234af7eef7237ed6e89422699e67c095c
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso) = 9245d50d2d79ee24eaccc19cb93d66b71fe0efe37f80cbfb2d545c3496e365658a0e0832a0ef5911479b854b1a742e6f81862775e1e3f51ceb0a73c0adbed568
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso.xz) = 3920065fd2b97ae7875ab7ac9ad2f83729884cba81ee04636f1b4d08317de8f542a22a9804d92121d932c95965d3c02fd957f23d4ce8b02aac053a44c9f8d1ed
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick.img) = edd0008f4efce1fea93b2401fbfba116a00999ac047cd904a392c5c0fde60b224dbfb89eb6a0a8848372cf0f7936ed2d153620def7bb0811d28d84109bfbb7c7
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick.img.xz) = 6ed053e13e912c40f97dafd5dafced4bbfa724fcfdf8507462217b875a3e041f21e84d2d7b46d73fc57d928380fd8625fa88d1f5aeab2208867735b264d6e43f
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-mini-memstick.img) = e716caedc857352efa6b7186b7d030eac52c6c2e7cd9f12bee3c53f0b6b2842f206ef800b4ec838449f5e6ecf76dc1b79a4bcb5b4bf003163c08c9e5c0abe734
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-mini-memstick.img.xz) = 02253768ad9b328adb45b2604a526f275d110ace6c01308ab2294caa1dfd510fe44841fd882750f787b4bab66bea3b40af41e60b14646716956475b20dd37f73

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso) = 725730204e5ee80e23a8d6844f32434f3f7a95b4a6142a5e2b634f6e20d1b5a6
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-bootonly.iso.xz) = 1fb3bba1cc2a3620c354d997d03e2a5b13e353ef162fb7edb6a08135b3f79b0b
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso) = 6638ed4cce829cf0f8c120962140e4c24587f0a0ebe0567661f95cbfb2ebee78
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso.xz) = 589b60d44223cee01b907a9e319aa399baf7e558fe714b580c70eda2e5ddca66
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso) = 2eef5e53fd5600b160b4810bb9e81c81a38e6742817a2b3bd455d6b327bf1ffd
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso.xz) = 610e38ec6157fded7d6af086944d9289c00a806c4bd2e18135a74251e832e1e4
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick.img) = ea58615a2a018dacc9331cc0dd202a1395b144e0dbf59422a154eaf0d4fa82a8
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-memstick.img.xz) = e17719d4c88c39704a5a314c24155773792c7b79ce4955c51925175ebf7e85c9
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-mini-memstick.img) = 25002217812b7eb44979b7a1dc115344de14ae641d899a47c60a2833648607f8
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386-mini-memstick.img.xz) = 1a93f1c47ed5ef783df3b520048902ca16f34645f85faf2b433d63b914ad2a55


   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-bootonly.iso) = 88da48dd6d6e21430a6868e4a44c30f26fe252c21199da3b2806dd7ce816a30159ca3294c56c59725c0e95c56142ee74c736a2c006d1f306a3572e0f9c235d9b
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-bootonly.iso.xz) = 1c852493429dd4377af5eec4bd3c6ba3ae0996d8de4fb50739ce601cc545f3fae47b712a50ca7e5868c1d26b5b02f4a5691e2a0ac01fd18a06336472bdfb6a16
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-disc1.iso) = f371b584e41ecfbb62c0e96c12996e99c8e238f0126f01bc059b5458c3c18ea26ae03ce8c84f412203a3e2868bc4f74b060796507ea823d905eb041fd82a3ab1
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-disc1.iso.xz) = d675c4c3b777d453f15427c131b9b26ca14a6f2b70665ce0411d13c29e23d951f5cb3c021636869db3ba7ea377083c0c7b081122b5621660fee4243f564756ce
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-memstick.img) = ca77d858f15510bd121e0f18cd8bcdba44e0eea3d0d17026529ffcd19c760f5fd52ebe7e04dbc0b159e21082df81b6610a950d217c84d0cf47f872c50501719b
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-memstick.img.xz) = 308464d636efc897a85fc6c1705700d9cc4ceb713b9a5af5b14c8fb661ea54bd1de44a8cb3ba65ccf8db62fc2f27a7443f415812343fff6163f1449eb7fa9dcc
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-mini-memstick.img) = 223acd473c6389e8529c031574a57f292f1e62b6a7d43ba87e02ba4d7d02b0f10ab4fd2e6a554271f3fe0e1aeb3f655014e74bb4f775f473f9d6b58e33ade130
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-mini-memstick.img.xz) = a4fb3b5ad43b06a2ea13eb71c06a34e3b58b2086ea526017396cf88640b648a88db5a40e11c552f5ac7d8ec649e12b0df19c096d3a9a6943fde8d67aeb3a9fea

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-bootonly.iso) = 13415ab9fe6052a54db59e053554b3931234c91c8c59a12d4e51a27299754aaf
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-bootonly.iso.xz) = 5c25cb6ac77915ee4a0ed078c78fbed840e7fc75f2e69db51f54c5ff6b122cd4
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-disc1.iso) = efaccbe7018541225989ff6befb2082ce3409f5a7669f19ac0d3d003c869436e
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-disc1.iso.xz) = b12b87fec19986047911c47143da50bb37be765ca3842711872d1cca7785db2a
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-memstick.img) = cd5a5a7492076cd484cad14ab327307769592a21592de83c1b7946dd8ed82811
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-memstick.img.xz) = c3cd1819c993a706c0657a6b8f78de8602211a5d287bfef9cca1d4c90b11e93e
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-mini-memstick.img) = 21cdefe0d0f895229df97891657fb3c4118e51e24b4b7fe9b75d5da3e61546a5
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-mini-memstick.img.xz) = e7e790e5e58d1a4f1462faf4fc1f26e742e843e3ccfc2e856d274caad4775e54


   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-bootonly.iso) = 728a08c16abc6eeabc27169132964e9f146e065a89050de77420d0ec9b6cc35c8c54dfb30b55ec47be29863e4901a461378628814a84f8aaa117d20ee412b744
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-bootonly.iso.xz) = defb1520fdae02eaa88ddcb12858100c88d09cca48a207ec75b6cbf185bbcf09991202ec9aead0618311864af528ca28e88826fb16361254936de6bbcf6f66a8
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-disc1.iso) = d24783d884a1829667268c0ca8a567cc1fa363e4edea11ead59c618fdf520acc5dd7ff5bfe9cdb482ff7dc6c49ad9ae446061894b008db6ed74e61da7232a56d
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-disc1.iso.xz) = b7caf299570ee5c76ec9098c5f6d589e905c2d24c510164be25d294454cdfc7c5412e3d7d0cc5e08b43021a2d858664e8110f7c2481701d951653602a93d314f
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-memstick.img) = 895947ead25b08ece22bbcab9ebed6d0997be53f312b92788e207fa9daa6472d51b165f0a5d2bfa8bcd0504b70f5ca86b9e6a0c821c487e237aa8ad466fa3424
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-memstick.img.xz) = 23321419ef5995932784d848a45fd9096cab3038e21ab592b5180b5bf2a248118a4fdad0760ddf40eddb7ee55874c41c0fcb6cebeb6e270948248b871016ec9c
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-mini-memstick.img) = 1f7d199f38d2cf58f3e38a4f943c3fd5779ab4c847856a3ea96d5d93d6fc2d636cd0c1dd85ffa209dc38f455c39e40679dcc7eb7b0a3c4098963408d9ba41f9c
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-mini-memstick.img.xz) = 166eaddbe1ba4dece384d3ef7a7b60b33301b7820e92ce6636195b2c4e7208b45192c9aaf5d29416fece0c9df169fbf4e342fd0c84b8fc54c0683f8ecb2a44e9

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-bootonly.iso) = 6b0f9166843fd8440a31cf0e9823cee212e8a2ac25a0929ff3963f639cba7850
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-bootonly.iso.xz) = a0448ac93b6764b5f94580f9055038a7111f60900956faa689a71c2690896829
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-disc1.iso) = 04f5735215adba151ed0d78c86bec287fbd155e539bc7ae614eee180ac9d9520
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-disc1.iso.xz) = a311c943bc84fd022c06296a77eeb537bd19a0ec2be0c43de425b7f5e5b7ee9d
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-memstick.img) = 42d03a02fb0dc45baf7de9a7902e80c3de1cb4e64ccb11b9b954a7245d38ec2b
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-memstick.img.xz) = a01e7e590f215bfbf89c8a99396c456b61189c4f0e1e174286ea2966cd1f8fcb
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-mini-memstick.img) = 3839c94be58b56b021f760a6ef31c555b034e4ac436ad9d1d17e838ce6984e62
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-powerpc-powerpc64-mini-memstick.img.xz) = 58cdf3be35ed8e8fbcc620bda28e808077707396494a550fe63b3d7add6ae72e


   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-sparc64-bootonly.iso) = 7b724a9b0831a181658465287daec4bcb3de7302bf5778eafd3a023e18d16abe10e0279af9f3e2cb6b5b1687dfe4963dd5d7886278801ebd93c56c72b6c8529a
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-sparc64-bootonly.iso.xz) = 6fdbe0cae1be741038d14ef751c9057082bcefa0de4dedbb1cf2c1b7507ac0348a67b6bb269330bbefc3b89a858c7c30cbd1f4f9e1010b17fae21af711530585
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-sparc64-disc1.iso) = 375ffa9a412b9077cacce3aa9526fb501e97e9cbb009298fefcef6ccee58c5b25fb5b3e50bc89a9838d44fbbf8ded4b0185d19712330c721ce551fad94033c87
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-sparc64-disc1.iso.xz) = 48731490a5463bf468f4ba2f5450ef9603dd1939d3f92bee020c36e8a9fca191b780768b8899776550529e70b4b1d3f25906ce88aba9f83f7a348c8662edd912

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-sparc64-bootonly.iso) = 27a5155e38dba88a3630086b69f366be3b8fab2a93f569e583a987aa4915889d
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-sparc64-bootonly.iso.xz) = 6503bfe2988d6451f8106061e9437da11817263d3cc821f44ad9caa3d7be84b8
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-sparc64-disc1.iso) = 5d34d672df0f5a1338e0c1108cbf31ff7a0dd86e81db35559d40133990d31a0d
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-sparc64-disc1.iso.xz) = ea075075fd7733ec3e1839251b498148a0192661e63e7a293f98a7add6f48bf7


   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-memstick.img) = 218efc6c2ec6d27dd6825b4bdf4f67acb6cde98268f2ab9e711f7b095920a9f1968d5bea7b46590e8ad60673b6d8dded21654b204d6a44d50c4830accbd418ba
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-memstick.img.xz) = 4ba8ce52422ac8cc77e83eaf28aaa745d8f119134ead06f19f66d76b09c7360597c74b45b787a6bb3dc276877ee44a8fc031a28720f5f79dcccb3de26a303cae
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-mini-memstick.img) = acd48a274fae57733c79899f7037454c5e308d198ac97ad76c9efdac64c78f72156dadb3ad2a996ca6d04e49f6aaba2c177326c5dadbdd0ba8e3a3ba53dc88ed
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-mini-memstick.img.xz) = aec61d00e41286c3ea5016c93f44ef971c2584e8725f0563203e7d56df976c96332ce9265721e87d1a092c64477171f779d00aca5752fe8026a2d06f5b540a74

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-memstick.img) = 63995c9edcb34006bd428e32506374ea07c763cffc4b0575821042f9b99dae07
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-memstick.img.xz) = 823f61d65ee65bb23d1d57b5595cb20e19a5b39b59e27a459e27e776d2a69b04
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-mini-memstick.img) = 1ffbaba4763276e938b95ef7b494ec5eeefb99f84a62b0f60b80fe78fcb4d4eb
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64-mini-memstick.img.xz) = b29508ce2a83c53972936b2a74146f195d456aa9567899baaac8374347a23f33

  armv6 BANANAPI:

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-BANANAPI.img.xz) = fc48ffa948608bb68429e424571d02c729166e3da5466b9db40807d1f73f66be993a68bd186c46f6539d69b2ab53aae6414b4e6ff6a900289bdef51b0cf9b151

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-BANANAPI.img.xz) = ae25860ffbe34c72ff2823708c90ce154378574d28060f7b6ad8cd935e1c41d0


   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-BEAGLEBONE.img.xz) = 7df332447c0d9712dc31f6ccd763f8d2ae2295ccc49c074ca7aab4b317500cd16074fd8a406b5a3ece68a21221d548b13868bbf1ce2baf69b526200f0bf70a5e

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-BEAGLEBONE.img.xz) = 401edf4dd62d8274e6e9b38bdb5b9de193bf7b5e69b22398be54768175e8315e


   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-CUBIEBOARD.img.xz) = a2ff7c46207a273eba20309999417b3863ae52513ad7fe43dae0b180eccd5df7b761eb25ddb49eaa7a7ec13444b9ef596ce088d657a4f6ffe2bb787630197d6d

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-CUBIEBOARD.img.xz) = d3aaae1e4f3e7ee81b41784fb83099d8ad3d7f668ad0a6b93ca566d742f7a308

  armv6 CUBIEBOARD2:

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-CUBIEBOARD2.img.xz) = fbff0b9dac00e95857ee0a5d748ad015435dfbc1f9d57a464317c177d03969d08c14856fa77ca0f2de69a98c26657731a87e58c7408a010732bb5016efecc19c

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-CUBIEBOARD2.img.xz) = bc42a99cf8c0eb18f84da48b79b4601ceea6084cf03ae259542365077fa6b4d3


   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD.img.xz) = 17d412877bc6c41360683dc91698c1044487b733de8071f6610fe47546f193e4355fc08b17a8ee9d90b0ffad282d1a7e372622214694f1e09d20b05181210854

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-CUBOX-HUMMINGBOARD.img.xz) = 36c250720969641ba98d903ff1bafb807b68d5a80cb56040d1a6c7deec2eb52d

  armv6 GUMSTIX:

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-GUMSTIX.img.xz) = e6fc884f64931dfa60d86295222c3d41d0da0e764b27f6ca9281c593766a4545520e3297dfe98da5b6cd63632c79f0ecf4252386bfc705c883f9f43ef6b5f700

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-GUMSTIX.img.xz) = c027923ad679f174903b05c45e6f185a7df98f17029dc866dc0cd78dc870031e

  armv6 RPI-B:

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-RPI-B.img.xz) = 6074d9486efbe06b81ea9f9a6573d321fbd25d1d4485c1385a14d1a91b188679dc4830b599bd29c418403a5ae948fe5cafa82fa2157c38555eeef08fa9eab2a9

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-RPI-B.img.xz) = a417f112f42c7609a07bcf4437a3480bf186ae517f66c0ca3cb2e90533c14e8d

  armv6 RPI2:

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-RPI2.img.xz) = f6fc7dd3077e4941190395b694b34db492da97dc074adcab99c8cbcf71b6be499e9deb739c2f5fa6639d978508ffd7a995e4516899b55cc0d577b7f8e0f99f1f

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-RPI2.img.xz) = cb7f3f143bb04428c4d7dff106a90d51c162668d44fdb85fdb18440fa679d4ed


   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-PANDABOARD.img.xz) = 0d2e4c6f954055872ed9eb6e7253b0192b985728112de1a10e80528c5988fd6c6791ba6d0ce18ceaffd10bdf32347e34f41b46220aac59bd1587b65170da34d9

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-PANDABOARD.img.xz) = dd0af02516f842548b27001b85e3fe6dbd4091b8c2dac2e468abc8e3e714b8bd

  armv6 WANDBOARD:

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-WANDBOARD.img.xz) = b3be509f69ae5adf50e0804bd5380e8f8286ad50c933314f3ab92974d05184813f9f1e6998bc3b8f85c091dd960f73f48ce0e71546355d60db52f2d31509274f

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-WANDBOARD.img.xz) = 301e58b1b250b97f455b5f9e75930da919eebf0ad71f522cd8f1024a2e122316

Virtual Machine Disk Image Checksums

  amd64 (x86_64):

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2.xz) = 598a0d2460ed4c059f162a285e0c21892615d2916c5d1899a26859bc5fa74593a63e20cbdceb439ef72c6c65d6c3bc0d676e5da9a6cecac21c2771ba9e0b7915
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.raw.xz) = 1bfdef9a106e41134cf92c5ceb7f7da468293d6611d16c0bc51482a8fb3088064204bacfe6a8b1afda169d9ab63e4bbd1c9ba1de06fe3fd604864d3fb0c07326
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.vhd.xz) = 9f6cd27d91882e00edda7f9153814c036b4cff666f73dfac6d5b31b0491b942095d972fe5d8abf338791af66a837321a53cacbf091c43b1ee625b9f58e97157b
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.vmdk.xz) = 4900824f1035d5ea1c9fe4c893f701505ad29cb7d8bae4122112835e6901414f9d4b99bce8b25871271a462608b1cdebcf2422181b5b6ffe9cfa32757af3d64f

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2.xz) = ecfda452ef0b9387c6934a9e9d7d6a2014ae42464a47cd028f24b4b8377f3cd0
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.raw.xz) = f9f7fcac1acfe210979a72e0642a70fcf9c9381cc1884e966eac8381c724158c
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.vhd.xz) = b483d44e9f49bd4eb00d10df500fa14c6fe794c78d7f9bd3377615f28f16394a
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64.vmdk.xz) = 478240fed81dd9dffc3f46bed30c44f16d8fb7bcb078e13c64750811448bae41

  i386 (x86):

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386.qcow2.xz) = d0e4965b192f0a5e3c1212965d393979eb4b42cd17322f2b959b76efb8ffafffc45523c08c23f94d6d15cd7963f310660e03a9fed946b263f40650ffa9fd4c1f
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386.raw.xz) = a57e924500d704c3361a590d0f4b4126e099aab87064ad36dc09b5d4d9e887770f090e22e67bb3b8e9efd79ba9de732d15a318b0021b884596bfc87f46f43b80
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386.vhd.xz) = 8bc1e2c25798d7804576c4626947e2c17459ac3cec8731918d45ba42d15f10c9de79d70344ea37937e6af870c801f73a9b173cea1dea3899ae6209b1c769b17e
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386.vmdk.xz) = da6dc9310ae8b9d642954f4ad33dfb14a94b4ef8ffd8c56c87a95e8537588e3cea8ba2b74a965017400359945a7079d2c0678306202ea4f2a9eac50ae08f8d3f

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386.qcow2.xz) = 3ec41e0797966779861685c7a259dd8ea6392e800909640c90281bdbcf7ec39f
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386.raw.xz) = 39c60a0b7b9d18f556c177140d482b88a71457d998c93d3e37675f7f429df5ca
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386.vhd.xz) = 2eadf53a9c4f31dd3bf93b3a99f3239ab449e6cb7677797c33c9d680a8c1cde1
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-i386.vmdk.xz) = df76a4d8611a20b0cb15e8557e07206d756b6ce8d55bcfe22b0bc120400a13dc

  aarch64 (arm64):

   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.qcow2.xz) = c9d62e5ae6076486eb338a62551d99a9b890c0baf1b11826499806bdf6230dcf7ef1c19c2925e3713cb54aa754aa7b6d75a52e99afde5633ea6da1f01e3aa82d
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.raw.xz) = 34ec015afd1f879b9b92e6ed9537976b1fd1685f71cf4d06c934917e7e21ad6ade57674c2221babffcd5cb63c128a8f7bc8da762f354597f2d090c9b6bbbea42
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.vhd.xz) = 93a40e63213cab8126d5d43ce3b42baa33bfbe9a3210c39cc1c8dc9b05c1e52e6d738b1bbfd054b1c77460ef25327ca078593215e44d93c7f21fb14930c32fe9
   SHA512 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.vmdk.xz) = 9f1d7ee8362ddb86a8b600648b2e0c5435c8aacb430fe5c1c141dd197004331b4a7a2285c52e994fa6dc0387a1db4606645b874e6b5bf0fdd0bb0cab49f0fde8

   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.qcow2.xz) = 23d971eca444e99471282b73f1b8964429a666e34368669c059af0ec27f9a64a
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.raw.xz) = 40fbc3c4c52cdf4b13d55b83bc2545206675aa8dd6e88d57683222dd10f69143
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.vhd.xz) = 4bd46a52159c088595ad113a89ee273f3567946568dcbbfd31d420bf7995329b
   SHA256 (FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm64-aarch64.vmdk.xz) = 916e8ac1a4ecdc98ccf59e4b5aad8d4473ac5dceeff916581db90f5d442d622c

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Fim de vida para a árvore 8 do FreeBSD

Posted by gondim | Posted in FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 30-06-2015


freebsd8_eolPara os sysadmins de plantão, que ainda tem servidores rodando FreeBSD 8.x, saiu recentemente a data de EOL do mesmo. Após essa data o sistema não terá mais manutenção e atualizações de segurança, o que o tornará inviável para uso na Internet. Deixará muita saudade porque foi uma das grandes versões desse sistema. Inclusive na qual entrei para o mundo BSD.  🙂

Abaixo a tabela oficial com as datas:



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BSDCon Brasil 2015 – Será em Fortaleza (CE)

Posted by gondim | Posted in Dicas, FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 09-05-2015


Esse ano teremos a BSDCon aqui no Brasil pessoal. Isso mesmo! O maior evento BSD que ocorre no mundo ocorrerá aqui em casa.

Para tanto estou colocando aqui a apresentação do evento que me foi divulgado e junto a chamada para envio de trabalhos que farão parte desse evento maravilhoso.


BSDCon Brasil ( é uma conferência brasileira
voltada e movida para atender a comunidade BSD.
Sua primeira edição ocorreu em 2003 e reuniu um grande número de
desenvolvedores e usuários de sistemas de linhagem BSD, onde houve uma
excelente e agradável troca de experiências durante palestras e outras
atividades realizadas.

Este ano a BSDCon Brasil acontecerá durante os dias 9 e 10 de Outubro
de 2015, em Fortaleza (CE).


É com orgulho que anunciamos nossa Chamada para Trabalhos.

Não é necessário que artigos acadêmicos/científicos sejam escritos
para que você submeta uma proposta. Caso você se sinta a vontade para
escrever um artigo, nós o receberemos com prazer.

Palestras apresentadas durante o evento estão previstas para durar
entre 45 e 60 minutos e deve ser ministradas em Português
(preferencialmente), Espanhol ou Inglês.

Aconselhamos que a apresentação de propostas seja escrita com um forte
viés de conteúdo técnico.
Propostas tendenciosas para desenvolvimento de negócios, propaganda e
marketing comercial não atendem as necessidades da conferência e serão

Temas de interesse para a conferência incluem, mas não estão limitados a:

[*] Alta Disponibilidade
[*] Aplicações de Rede
[*] Automação & Sistemas Embarcados
[*] Controladores de Dispositivos (Drivers)
[*] Controle de Aplicações de Terceiros
[*] Documentação & Tradução
[*] Firewall & Roteamento
[*] Integração Contínua
[*] Internet das Coisas
[*] Introdução aos Sistemas *BSD
[*] IPv6
[*] Kernel & Desenvolvimento Interno
[*] Melhores Práticas
[*] Monitoramento & Log
[*] Orchestration
[*] Performance
[*] Privacidade & Segurança
[*] Sistemas de Arquivos
[*] Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Banco de Dados
[*] Transmissões Sem Fio
[*] Virtualização

Estamos anciosos para ler o que você tem à nos oferecer! Por favor,
envie sua proposta para:

submissoes (@)

Mande-nos sua proposta, um pequeno resumo sobre você e,
preferencialmente, nos informe sobre custos (valores) para sua viagem.


Aceite de Propostas
8 de Maio de 2015 —– INÍCIO
14 de Junho de 2015 — FIM

Contato com Autores de Submissões Aceitas
13 de Julho de 2015


* Caso sua proposta seja aceita, esperamos que você apresente-a
* Palestrantes não necessitam pagar pela inscrição na conferência;
* Podemos custear transporte e hospedagem de palestrantes;
* Gastos envolvendo alimentação não serão custeados pelo evento;
* Utilizaremos um projetor de vídeo para realizar as apresentações.

BSDCon Brasil 2015

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Artigos FreeBSD da Digital Ocean em Português

Posted by gondim | Posted in FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 02-03-2015



Compartilhado por Patrick Tracanelli na FUG-BR (FreeBSD User Group do Brasil), que acredito ser de muita importância e de excelente leitura para aqueles que se interessam pelo sistema. Abaixo o texto e os links:


Compartilho com todos essa boa notícia.

O Fernando Pimenta, um dos organizadores do BHACK (evento de segurança de informação aqui em BH) além de ativo na comunidade de segurança e hacking, é technical writter de documentação da Digital Ocean, e de cara olha que fino, ele está oficialmente traduzindo os artigos introdutórios da Digital Ocean pra português:

Os artigos já disponíveis estão aqui:

Esse tipo de artigo, introdutório, focado a novos usuários, em claro e bom português são de grande valia pro FreeBSD e pra comunidade em geral, afinal é continuamente cativando novos usuários que a comunidade se fortalece e o sistema se perpetua.

A todos que mantém seus blogs pessoais e redes sociais, divulguem por favor

Fernando obrigado pela contribuição. Aguardamos mais artigos! 😀

(ps eu havia enviado essa mensagem dia 26 mas parece que não foi…)

Patrick Tracanelli


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Fim de vida para alguns branches e releases do FreeBSD (End of Life)

Posted by gondim | Posted in FreeBSD, Segurança, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Posted on 01-11-2014



De tempos em tempos é anunciado uma tabela avisando sobre o fim de vida de alguns branches
e releases do FreeBSD. Isso é importante para o sysadmin pois  se  ele  não  atualizar  os
seus sistemas antigos, este ficará sem correções de segurança.

Para saber se o seu sistema está próximo do fim da vida dele, basta olhar a tabela abaixo.
Como exemplo, em 31/12/2014 será o fim para as versões 9.1 e 9.2 necessitando que se  faça
uma atualização para: 9.3, 9-stable ou 10.x sendo que 10.0 terminará em 28/02/2015.

 |   Branch  |   Release  |  Type  |   Release Date   |     Estimated EoL     |
 |stable/8   |n/a         |n/a     |n/a               |June 30, 2015          |
 |releng/8.4 |8.4-RELEASE |Extended|June 9, 2013      |June 30, 2015          |
 |stable/9   |n/a         |n/a     |n/a               |last release + 2 years |
 |releng/9.1 |9.1-RELEASE |Extended|December 30, 2012 |December 31, 2014      |
 |releng/9.2 |9.2-RELEASE |Normal *|September 30, 2013|December 31, 2014      |
 |releng/9.3 |9.3-RELEASE |Extended|July 16, 2014     |December 31, 2016      |
 |stable/10  |n/a         |n/a     |n/a               |last release + 2 years |
 |releng/10.0|10.0-RELEASE|Normal  |January 20, 2014  |February 28, 2015      |
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