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BSDDay 2018

Depois de um longo período afastado aqui do blog, estou voltando e tentarei manter as notícias em dia.  🙂 Agora em maio dia 26 teremos o BSDDay 2018, um evento voltado para tecnologia falando de BSDs e Software Livre. Não deixem de ir pois será uma troca de conhecimentos, tempo de fazer novas...

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Os binários voltaram!!!

Posted by gondim | Posted in FreeBSD, Segurança | Posted on 15-05-2013



Depois de 6 meses desde o incidente de segurança que houve em Novembro de 2012 agora os binários foram liberados novamente e para quem costumar instalar os binários ao invés de compilá-los usando o ports, pode ficar feliz.

Abaixo o anúncio oficial:

Dear FreeBSD Community,

Six months have passed since the November security incident which
brought the Project's binary package building capacity offline; we are
pleased to announce that all services are now restored.  This has
followed a significant effort to review security throughout the FreeBSD
Project's infrastructure, and reengineer the package-building system to
support greater compartmentalization and resilience.  This includes the and ports QAT, generation and update of INDEX files,
publication of binary package sets, and binary-package building itself.
The revised infrastructure provided binary packages for the recent
release of FreeBSD 8.4.

We are now glad to announce that binary packages available again for
8.x, 9.x branches on i386 and amd64 architectures at the usual

Note that the previously missed binary packages for 9.1-RELEASE have
been also recovered and can be found here:

However before trying any of these sites above please check your
regional mirrors first by going to:


Any additional mirror sites will be labeled ftp2, ftp3 and so on.  More
information about FreeBSD mirror sites can be found at:

Note that these are still the "old-style" packages.  Port managers are
currently working on introducing new-style (as known as pkgng) binary
packages in the coming months, please check the FreeBSD ports
announcements list for further gradual status updates:

The Core Team thanks especially Peter Wemm, Mark Linimon, Simon Nielsen,
Robert Watson, Erwin Lansing, Brad Davis, Bernhard Froehlich, Beat
Gaetzi, Martin Wilke, Jonathan Anderson, George Neville-Neil, Sean
Bruno, Colin Percival, and Bjoern Zeeb for their hard work on restoring
the binary-package building cluster and the associated services, and
Gavin Atkinson for maintaining and updating the compromise page.
— Gabor Pali | FreeBSD Core Team Secretary |
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