Eleito novo FreeBSD Core Team
Postado por gondim | Categoria FreeBSD, Software Livre, Tecnologia | Dia 09-07-2014
Tags:core team, coreteam
Foi anunciado os novos integrantes do FreeBSD Core Team, a Diretoria do Projeto. Com grande poder vem grande responsabilidade. 🙂 Vamos agradecer aos que estão saindo, não só pelo excelente trabalho realizado mas também pela dedicação. Sem uma equipe organizada e comprometida nunca teríamos um sistema com tanta qualidade como o que possuímos hoje. A responsabilidade de manter todo o eco sistema funcionando e em harmonia não é fácil, ainda mais ter que aprovar/reprovar e resolver problemas entre as equipes. Obrigado à todos! Abaixo o anuncio oficial:
Dear FreeBSD Community, The FreeBSD Project is pleased to announce the completion of the 2014 Core Team Election. The FreeBSD Core Team acts as the Project's "board of directors" and is responsible for approving new src committers, resolving disputes between developers, appointing sub-committees for specific purposes (security officer, release engineering, port managers, webmaster, et cetera), and making any other administrative or policy decisions as needed. The Core Team has been elected by active FreeBSD committers every 2 years since 2000. George Neville-Neil and Robert Watson rejoin core after four years and two years of hiatus respectively, with new members Baptiste Daroussin, Ed Maste, and Gleb Smirnoff, joining incumbents Gavin Atkinson, David Chisnall, Hiroki Sato, and Peter Wemm. The complete newly elected Core Team is: ---------------------------------------- Gavin Atkinson <gavin@FreeBSD.org> David Chisnall <theraven@FreeBSD.org> Baptiste Daroussin <bapt@FreeBSD.org> Ed Maste <emaste@FreeBSD.org> George Neville-Neil <gnn@FreeBSD.org> Hiroki Sato <hrs@FreeBSD.org> Gleb Smirnoff <glebius@FreeBSD.org> Peter Wemm <peter@FreeBSD.org> Robert Watson <rwatson@FreeBSD.org> The new Core Team would like to thank outgoing members Thomas Abthorpe, John Baldwin, Konstantin Belousov, and Martin Wilke for their service over the past two (and in some cases, many more) years. Finally, the Core Team would also like to thank Dag-Erling Smørgrav for running the election. Cheers,