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Primeiro RC do FreeBSD 9.1

The first release candidate of the 9.1-RELEASE release cycle is now available on the FTP servers for amd64, i386, and powerpc64. The MD5/SHA256 checksums are at the bottom of this message. The ISO images and, for architectures that support it, the memory stick images are available here: (or...

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Diretoria nova no core team do FreeBSD

Postado por gondim | Categoria FreeBSD | Dia 11-07-2012



De 2 em 2 anos é eleito um novo core team do FreeBSD, vamos dizer que é a diretoria em questão com as maiores responsabilidades dentro do projeto. São responsáveis inclusive por aprovar novos commiters de src do sistema. O core team é eleito pelos próprios desenvolvedores do FreeBSD em votação. A responsabilidade é grande e desejamos um excelente trabalho para eles e que o FreeBSD cresça cada vez mais em qualidade e tecnologia.  🙂

Abaixo o anúncio oficial:

The FreeBSD Project is pleased to announce the completion of the 2012
core team election.  The FreeBSD core team acts as the project’s “board
of directors” and is responsible for approving new src committers,
resolving disputes between developers, appointing sub-committees for
specific purposes (security officer, release engineering, port managers,
webmaster, et cetera), and making any other administrative or policy
decisions as needed.  The core team has been elected by FreeBSD
developers every 2 years since 2000.

Peter Wemm rejoins the core team after a two-year hiatus, with new
members Thomas Abthorpe, Gavin Atkinson, David Chisnall, Attilio Rao and
Martin Wilke joining incumbents John Baldwin, Konstantin Belousov and
Hiroki Sato.

The complete newly elected core team is:
Thomas Abthorpe <>
Gavin Atkinson <>
John Baldwin <>
Konstantin Belousov <>
David Chisnall <>
Attilio Rao <>
Hiroki Sato <>
Peter Wemm <>
Martin Wilke <>

The new core team would like to thank outgoing members Wilko Bulte,
Brooks Davis, Warner Losh, Pav Lucistnik, Colin Percival and Robert
Watson for their service over the past two (and in some cases, many
more) years.

The core team would also especially like to thank Dag-Erling Smørgrav
for running the election.

Gavin (hat: outgoing core-secretary)


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